2024 fee structure

Funky Owls Nursery is open 7.30-18.00, Monday to Friday. The Nursery is closed for all public Bank Holidays, 4 staff training days per year and Christmas break.

Unfunded fees

2 days3 days4 days5 days
Unfunded full rate fees£901.33£1,326.00£1,733.33£2,166.67
10% Sibling discount*£901.33£1,193.40£1,560.00£1,950.00
15% Multiples discount*£901.33£1,127.10£1.473.33£1,842.67
7% Single parent, NHS, Teacher [state], Emergency services discount*£901.33£1,233.18£1,612.00£2,015.00
We also offer ‘ad hoc’ additional days, subject to availability, at £105/ day and do not qualify for discounts

Government funding

Parents must visit this site to find out more about qualifying for government funding 

The nursery is open 10.5hrs a day, so this weekly funding is then spread across the number of days a child attends nursery, and the additional hours, as well as meals, consumables and additional services are then charged monthly, pro rata.

We also accept all childcare vouchers and are registered for Tax Free Childcare

For more information please contact the office info@funkyowlsnursery.com

2 days3 days4 days5 days
15 hours funding (9 month/ 2yr old / 3yr old)£640.08£1,064.75£1,472.08£1,905.42
30 hours funding (3yr old) [minimum 3 days attendance]N/a£803.50£1,210.83£1,644.17
We also offer ‘ad hoc’ additional days, subject to availability, at £105/ day and do not qualify for funding discounts